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This is faint nebulosity seen in this image is the Integrated Flux Nebula (IFN). It is a vast cloud of dust that permiates the space between us and the galaxy. It is composed of dust particles, hydrogen and carbon monoxide and other elements. This image has been processed to show this IFN. It is still faint, but much more noticeable in the other image I posted of this galaxy.
Copyright 2013 by Bernard Miller
February 16 - March 14, 2013
Rancho Hidalgo, New Mexico
Telescope: TEC-140
Camera: SBIG ST-8300M
Mount: AP900 GTO
Luminance: 24x20 minutes (binning 1x1)
Red: 10x15 minutes (binning 1x1)
Green: 10x15 minutes (binning 1x1)
Blue: 10x15 minutes (binning 1x1)